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I was around eight years old when my grandma and I started talking about money and savings while sipping our teas. She must have had a sixth sense…because I think she knew I would need these financial skills early on …and I did! I left home beginning of Aug before turning 16 years old.             My parents had a different path for me than what I had in mind,                   and I decided to go with my gut to create my own path. So that                   meant taking a year off after high school and financially care for                      myself from that point on. I am so grateful to have had these                          chats with my grandma because she gave me many great                             financial habits and advices, giving me great clarity on what to                   do to build my wealth. 

           This led me to:

            1. Coming out of post-secondary school debt free with savings

  1.       2. Buying my first property at 26 years old downtown Toronto with        a mediocre $30K income
           3. Got Penthouse views

               And now showing my kids to do the same for themselves. I am                     excited to share my life experiences and guide you through                         teaching your kids powerful ways to build wealth easily. 

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